June 24, 2013 Please feel free to share your own stories about your mother here in the comment form.
Write a mini memoir about her, a poem, anything you think will feel helpful to you, or others. What is your earliest memory, last memory of her, do you remember what she smelled like, what was her favorite outfit or meal...You can be anonymous if you'd like. {I will be moderating comments so it might take a day to see your comment}.
My Mo is 85 and lives across the country from me. I last saw her 2 years ago and hope to visit again this fall. Because, as you know, you never know. It's hard for me to comprehend that at some near point I will get a phone call saying she is gone. We didn't get along that well as I was growing up. But she's still my Mom. I remember her singing along with the radio when she got up in the morning, in the kitchen. And I remember how beautiful she was when she got all dressed up for a date with my Dad. The last time I visited I looked into a bathroom drawer for something, and saw how everything was so neat and organized. I felt sad then. Funny things do that. There is a Mom I see regularly when I walk my dog in the cemetery near me. She sets up her lawn chair and just relaxes at the grave of her 21 year old daughter. She never looks sad; she just is spending time there because it is a kind of comfort for her. Funny the things we do to try to reconcile our grief. Whatever helps is the right thing to do.
Thanks so much for sharing this. The scene of you looking in the drawer and seeing everything organized got to me - and like you say, the strangest things can set you off...Like the emory board I brought back from her place, she always had it by her living room chair...
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